Hard working on presents (not with weights, though)

I am still busy with presents so I´ll give you this
work from maybe march or april this year. While I am
rarely satisfied when looking back on my old work
(and that´s a good thing; not being entirely satisfied
means that I constantly try to improve), but this is
one of my definite all-time favourites!
When I came home from buying some
ingredients for making cookies with Merle I met an
old greek woman at our front door, and she made
me come to her flat and gave me some cake
and a liqueur. "It´s christmas! I like
giving you cake!" Then she talked to me in
an endless stream about how Greece is the
best country of the world (at least this is
what I understood, she talked in slightly
broken german and also very fast). Then she
showed me some random stuff in the other room and
I realized she wanted me to buy something from her.
I felt a bit trapped and didn´t want to buy
one of her very ugly pillows, so I just took
a sugar dispenser for coffee (although I never
use sugar for my coffee) for 5 euros and said
that I am intensely satisfied with the cake
and my newly aquired sugar dispenser, but
I really really really had to go now.
Don´t get me wrong, she was nice and
the cake was good (as well as the strange
liqueur), but I really feel a bit tricked
now. But then again, I see it as a small,
weird, but somehow entertaining episode.
In my book life can get a bit weird from time
to time. Not all the time, though. But once in a
while, yes please.
After all, it´s christmas time!
Even for greek grannies that overwhelm
me with their gibberish. I still have a
piece of her cake in my fridge. But next
time, I´ll be more careful nevertheless.
1 comment:
what a story!! Look out for Greek grannies Fred! :o
Great illo by the way.. monkey-man looks like he's having a hard time picking up those weights! ;)
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