Ich hab auch die Möpse schön!

Okay, long time no see dear dudes and dudettes, so here comes some assorted stuff from the past few days. I´ve been slacking around in a way that isn´t funny anymore, to the extend that I wasted my time so much that only a cancelled class saved my butt, giving me another week for my calendar class concepts.

So I sucked in some Bobby Chiu motivation videos on YouTube and scanned in a couple of sketches, which I present you now. I really have to get going to be able to show something impressive this Friday (my class, not the IF this time). So I´ll skip "Superhero" entirely (even though I COULD submit my "Bedman", like Ariel suggested), and focus on my proper work. It´s already 2:54 am here, but I wasted this day playing Castlevania on my Nintendo. And since I haven´t anything to do tomorrow (or in general) I might as well go at it now. I can´t go to bed with this new-found motivation. No way.
the break and bedfast is AWESOME!
when did life become more important than our blogs? it's a shame.
i will agree with the lunatic above and say I also think the top image is awesome.
but i will also go a step further and say I also enjoy #2 & #3.
The squishy legged dude is great!!!
cheers buddy!
fred, you're like a blog-god. a blod, even. people worship you. id draw you too, but i think it's kinda creepy.
Die Haare vielleicht...
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