Elaborato in Olanda

weeks, and now that I feel better with each day
I am trying to get back into my work routine, and, more
specifically, posting a lot more again. The picture above is
a concept sketch for the painting I am trying to do
since, uh, maybe half a year? Also, I get the feeling that
a lot of my bad feeling lately had something to do with
not focussing on things like drawing enough, but instead
just letting whole days slip by without much effort.

But on the good side, the weather has been really great during
the last days, it´s been pretty much raining every day during
most of the summer here. I´ve been out in several places
to draw with a friend of mine, and by motivating her I am
also motivating myself in the process. Everything good
somehow comes back to you, as generic as this sounds.
Oh, and Bobby Chiu (whose videos I´ve been writing a lot
about already) commented on my work! Hurray!
(The title of this post means "Brewed in Holland" in,
uh, some other language. No, it´s not latin.)
1 comment:
Motivation cannot be found in a can of beer. I discovered that tonight.
Just sharing.
And caring.
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