
IF: Soar

Click to enlarge

Who´s that on the horizon?
Armed werewolves, that´s who.
Wait until they soar into the night
sky with their feathery wings.

Oh boy, I am really stretching the
IF topic again. One day one of the site
admins will find out how badly I shoehorn
the topics onto whatever drawing I am
working on and drive to my house
to twist around my arm really, really
hard, and then tell me to be ashamed
of myself.

So, better leave a comment now
before this site gets shut down!
Also, I hope you had a nice christmas
or whatever have (not) been celebrating.
You know what I got?
A 20 CD box with everything
David Sedaris ever put on disc so
far. TWENTY DISCS. Over 22 hours
filled with stories read by one of the most
charming writers I know.


IF: Backwards (2)

click to enlarge

Monkeyboy loves to play
his recorded voice backwards!

IF: Backwards

click click click the image, not this text.

Sailing backwards.


IF: Small things 2

click to enlarge

Small things....


IF: Small things

If you want this particular small
thing to be larger, why not just click on it?

I am working on almost every day during
december at my job at the coat check of a
local theatre, and it´s pretty hard to still
get some drawings done when I am at home
again. It´s either that I work early and have to
get some sleep when I get home again,
killing the rest of the day by not getting
fully awake again, or I have to work late and
can´t get anything done with work looming
further down the day.

Creative work is a very precious and
fragile thing I actually need a lot more time
for than I thought I would. But on the
plus side, I am really appreciating my free
time right now.

I like how pencil gets a smooth,
charcoal look to it when setting
the contrast settings to the extremes.